Michael Duncan | Regional Consultant
Longwood SBDC
In his current position as an SBDC consultant, Duncan works with clients across the Longwood SBDC service area that extends from Petersburg to Martinsville and Stuart.
Hope Harris-Gayles | Regional Consultant
Longwood SBDC
Harris-Gayles plays a key role in helping people achieve their dreams. She teaches a regular online SBDC workshop called “Marketing on a Budget,” completes marketing audits and works directly with clients to create marketing plans.
Katherine Beale | Regional Consultant
Longwood SBDC
In May of 2020, Beale joined the team as a consultant with expertise in retail, customer service and marketing.
Ilsa Loeser | Regional Consultant
Longwood SBDC
As an SBDC consultant, Loeser’s specialties encompass a range of marketing services, including social media training classes and marketing audits, which analyze a business’ goals and current communication and then recommend strategies to increase outreach.
Vince Magnini | Regional Consultant
Longwood SBDC
In 2005, Dr. Vince Magnini joined the SBDC team as its first-ever, pro bono small business consultant from Longwood University’s faculty.