RISE Collaborative

Our Partners at RISE Collaborative bring together makers, entrepreneurs, and innovators of all backgrounds, interests, and experiences from across Southern Virginia to support the growth of entrepreneurship and innovation. Through their programs, events, and online network, you’ll gain a supportive community of peers, direct access to business resource providers, dynamic training and skill-building content, and value-added networking opportunities.

RISE Collaborative centers you in a supportive ecosystem, where you can connect and grow with other innovators on their own journeys to success. Ask questions, get advice, share ideas, receive encouragement, make connections, and let the community empower you to reach new heights. You can use their resources to grow your business in an environment that welcomes founders of all experience levels.

CO.STARTERS workshops


CO.STARTERS Core is a cohort-based program that equips entrepreneurs of all kinds with the insights, relationships, and tools needed to turn business ideas into action.

Who is CO.STARTERS for?

You! The only real prerequisites to joining the program are…

✔ Having an idea to start or grow a business
✔ Being willing to question, shape and fine-tune that idea
✔ Being willing to talk about the idea with others

How does the program work?

Participants enter into a facilitator-led, collaborative process with a small and supportive group of like-minded peers. Working together, participants develop and fine-tune their ideas, critically examining every part and determining next steps through real-time feedback from people in the community, using a simplified version of the Business Model Canvas.

What are the benefits of the program?

The CO.STARTERS approach enables entrepreneurs to rapidly uncover flaws in their concepts and find viable models more quickly. Participants leave the program with a deeper understanding of how to create a sustainable business, articulate their models, and repeat the process with the next great idea.

Ready to Start?

Learn more about the program by attending an upcoming CO.STARTERS workshops and preparing to apply to be a part of our next cohort!