Page 7 - LongwoodSBDC-2016-Annual-Report
P. 7

Training  training events  training attendees  Awards

 Each Longwood SBDC location tailors educational offerings that are in   Each year, our Longwoood SBDC recognizes a Small Business Advocate of the Year.  We also recognize clients in different regions with a
 demand by their local small business population. In 2016, the Longwood   Small Business of the Year Award.  When choosing our candidates, we look for four primary characteristics:
 SBDC hosted 38 training events for 281 potential and existing business owners.  38  281
     Staying Power                 Innovativeness               Response to                   Contributions to
 25  13  & Growth                                               Adversity                     the Community
 for new  for existing
 businesses  businesses

 New Training Opportunities in 2016:
     A strong history as a successful  Success in adapting a business  Positive forward movement in   Supporting efforts to make the
     and profitable business      model as market conditions change  difficult environments  local community a better place
                                                                                             to live, work and play

 Establish/Repair Your  Busy Business Owner’s  Psychology  Growth  Facebook Small
 Business Credit  Guide to Online Marketing  of Selling  Wheel  Business Bootcamp

 Peer 2 Peer provides roundtable discussions for business owners to come together and talk through the
 struggles and successes of owning and operating a business.
 “I think one of the most beneficial aspects of this type of session is the comradery that is built amongst people
 sharing the same hopes and struggles as we all strive to launch or build our various businesses.” — Participant
           Piedmont Regional Feeding &            Cumberland Building Supply
           Oral-Motor Clinic                      W. C. Sprouse, owner
           Aime Teague Boone, owner               Small Business of the Year - Central Region
           Small Business of the Year - Western Region

           Ernest R. (Randy) Lail
           Small Business
           Advocate of the Year                   Trinity Custom Apparel
 Ilsa Loeser leads the “Facebook Bootcamp” workshop for small business owners  Consultant Kim Ray leads the “Building the Foundation for Your New Business class  Kevin & Terry Blackwell, owners
 5                                                Small Business of the Year - South Boston Office                     6
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