Page 13 - LongwoodSBDC-2016-Annual-Report
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Piedmont Regional Feeding & Student Involvement
Oral-Motor Clinic (Danville/Martinsville) Longwoood SBDC offers internships with scholarship potential for up to five Longwood University Business, English
and Communications Majors each semester. Interns gain valuable experience conducting research, meeting with
Amie Teague Boone was still in elementary school when she started clients, preparing spreadsheets, and analyzing business plans.
making plans to start her own business. “At the age of 10, I started 3
writing to universities asking how to become a speech pathologist,” P/T EMPLOYEES “My internship at the Longwood SBDC has proven to be a great
she says. After earning her Master of Arts in Communication 26 learning opportunity which will definitely serve me well
Sciences & Disorders from UNC Greensboro, the Danville native F/T EMPLOYEES when competing in the workforce. It was rewarding to
worked for five years as a clinician. be able to contribute to the organization as well as
In 2006 Boone decided to step out on her own in a specialized to the individual clients. I also feel that I could
field. “It was just me when I started the business,” she says of the not have asked for a better team to work with
Piedmont Regional Feeding Clinic. “We work with different things— throughout this experience.” -Abby Hatley
it might be a baby having trouble with swallowing, patients with
autism who can’t stand textures in the mouth, or someone who’s
had a stroke and can’t swallow.”
her business weather the recession in 2008. “During that time,
To get the right start for her business, Boone contacted Longwood funding cut off just like that,” she says. “I was able to persevere
SBDC consultant Diane Arnold. Boone credits SBDC with helping
because SBDC gave me the resources and knowledge to keep Intern Abby Hatley, a senior in the College of Business and Economics, meets with
going—and I will always be grateful.” Executive Director Sheri McGuire and Business Analyst Gary Shanaberger.
Another setback occurred three years ago when Boone’s husband “Interning with the SBDC has given me the confidence to talk
of 14 years developed leukemia and passed away. “My team of with clients and ask questions to come up with ideas together.”
employees kept the business going,” she says. “At that time I also -Marisa Aktug
realized our business was no longer following our original plan, so we Intern Marisa Aktug, a senior in the
started a vision implementation to get back on track.” A chart with College of Business & Economics, works
the company’s vision is now displayed on the conference room wall. on a project in the Longwood SBDC office.
Several years ago PRFC moved to a new location that allowed the
business to expand. “We recruit from all over the country,” Boone
“SBDC has been a big component in helping me get the says. “We bring master’s and doctoral level people to this area.”
resources and knowledge I need. I might not be here today PRFC currently employs 26 full-time and three part-time employees.
without them!” “SBDC has been a big component in helping me get the This year students in the dual enrollment business management course at Buckingham County High School visited
- Amie Teague Boone resources and knowledge I need,” Boone concludes. “I might not Longwood SBDC to learn about starting a business and developing a business plan. Business analysts Kim Ray and Gary
be here today without them!” Shanaberger offered advice and encouragement as the students presented their semester-long business proposal projects.
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