Page 11 - LongwoodSBDC-2016-Annual-Report
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Cruz Productions (Farmville) The Jury’s Inn (Petersburg)
For Joel Cruz, Patrick Zurn and Brent King, the love of music and work 3MEMBER TEAM Victoria Revilla wanted to live downtown, so she started a hotel
has become Cruz Productions. The rapidly growing DJ, videography and business. “I bought this building in 2008,” the retired Army
photography business now serves the Southside Virginia region and beyond. colonel said. “I was stationed at Ft. Lee three times and liked the
Petersburg area. So I asked myself — ‘what should I do now?’”
After hearing about the Longwood Small Business Development Center
through a professor, they sought out the knowledge and expertise Revilla’s plan was to open a six-bedroom boutique hotel like the
the organization had to offer. According to King, “SBDC helped our ones popular in Europe, particularly Spain and France. To enhance
business immensely. Although the three of us are business majors, the her space she also purchased the lot next door. Since the 1850s-era
classes at Longwood couldn’t possibly have prepared us for what was building was in Petersburg’s historic district, the first step was
entailed in owning our own business in terms of paperwork, approvals, restoration. That, Revilla soon learned, could be costly.
certifications, and doing everything by the book.”
The trio is especially grateful for the dedicated efforts of consultant Kim Revilla admits there were difficulties along the way, but every
Ray. “She assisted us with all the required paperwork and helped us time she asked herself what she needed to do to get over the
define what our company actually is and how we should run it. She was next hill, the answer was always SBDC.
involved in every aspect and deserves all the credit,” King adds. 8EMPLOYEES
“The SBDC is a place we can walk into anytime and have a “When looking for funding, I went to the Richmond Economic
question answered in a friendly and passionate way.” Development Corp. to apply for a small business loan,” she said. “They
referred me to the Longwood Small Business Development Center.”
- Brent King
She enrolled in SBDC’s free classes and “started learning about
Cruz Productions has continued to benefit from ongoing check-ins by all the things I needed to do.” Revilla acquired a business loan
SBDC staff. The team particularly appreciates the level of availability from Virginia Community Capital, a revitalization group that was
and accessibility they have experienced with the SBDC. expanding into Petersburg.
“They’ve been a pillar for us to fall back on whenever we had Revilla admits there were difficulties along the way, but every
something we did not quite understand, particularly with tax time she asked herself what she needed to do to get over the
questions and proper handling of tax regulations. The SBDC is a place next hill, the answer was always SBDC. Now that her business is
we can walk into anytime and have a question answered in a friendly established, Revilla plans to keep that connection.
and passionate way,” says King.
Revilla’s two-year goal is 70 percent occupancy for her hotel
business and event space. Equipped with a full commercial
kitchen, The Jury’s Inn also includes an event room that will seat
30 with room for 40 in the courtyard.
Revilla advises prospective business owners to attend SBDC classes.
9 “You have to have a plan,” Revilla said. “I know I’ve learned a lot.” 10