CONSULTANT Brandon Hennessey
INDUSTRY IT services

Kayla Baldino and Jane WhalingUptech, as the name implies, knows what’s up with technology.

“We started as a business-to-business model doing IT work, website development and security work,” Jane Whaling said. “Recently we’ve added cell phone and computer repair.”

This is the second Uptech location for the Whalings who live in Richmond.

After opening in October, the Whalings joined the Farmville Chamber of Commerce.

“Within a week we were contacted by the Longwood Small Business Development Center (SBDC),” Whaling said.

A second meeting followed with SBDC business analyst Brandon Hennessey.

Also assisting with community relations is student intern Kayla Baldino, a Longwood senior majoring in marketing/graphic design.

“Kayla’s been very helpful — we have a good rapport,” Whaling noted. “Everyone’s been very welcoming!”